Our Certifications
Focus Africa is IMS certified for
Our ISO certification status for ISO 9001:2015,
14001:2015 and 45001:2018.
Uganda Chamber Of Mines & Petroleum Certificate
Uganda chamber of Mines and Petroleum creates, receives & disseminates news for, from and to all stakeholders respectively in the minerals and petroleum industry.
Uganda Freight Forwarders Association Certificate
Uganda Freight Forwarders Association (UFFA) is an umbrella association of logistics companies in Uganda. Membership includes foreign and local companies involved with freight logistics, including customs clearance, transport, shipping, ICD and warehouse operations.
Uganda Clearing Industry & Forwarding Association Certificate
As the foremost umbrella body of clearing and forwarding firms in Uganda, UCIFA is an intermediary between customs and importers plus exporters. They carry out the necessary customs documentation and lodgments of entries. The body advises clients on customs requirements, laws, regulations and procedures.
Uganda Manufacturers Association Certificate
UMA is the voice of the industry in Uganda. It is well recognized and most respected by the Government, the business community, and the general public. By being a member, you will gain credibility and an international image.
The International Certification Network Certificate 14001: 2015
Through the IQNET certificate and mark, Partners‘ clients can be lined with one of the most internationally recognized brands in the field of conformity assessment, that no other local CB can provide.
Norges Elektriske Materiellkontroll (Nemko) Certificate 14001:2015
In 1933, Nemko was established as a foundation for mandatory safety testing and national approval of electrical equipment in Norway. Nemko offers testing, inspection and certification services concerning products and systems on a worldwide basis.
Petroleum Authority of Uganda Certificate
The Petroleum Authority of Uganda (PAU)’s mission is to regulate and monitor the Petroleum sector in Uganda in order to create lasting value for Ugandans and to contribute to Uganda being a sound investment destination.
The International Certification Network Certificate 9001: 2015
Through the IQNET certification, we give confidence to shareholders and other stakeholders that reliable, recognized and value focus management practices are in place.
The International Certification Network Certificate 45001: 2018
Through the international recognition of IQNet and its Partners, we increased our own image and credibility and facilitate contact and business relation consumers, international retailers and buyers, regulators and public entities and NGOs;
Norges Elektriske Materiellkontroll (Nemko) Certificate 45001:2018
Nemko was established as a foundation for mandatory safety testing and national approval of electrical equipment in Norway. Nemko offers testing, inspection and certification services concerning products and systems on a worldwide basis.